Our Current Work Streams
SENDAC are on a variety of work streams working alongside various professionals to improve SEND services across the county, to ensure Parent opinions are at the heart of the discussions that take place and the decisions that are made.
About Work Streams
Our SENDAC Representatives attend various meetings with professionals in the NHS, Local authorities and other SEND services such as SENDIASS and short break providers. Some of these meetings are specific targeted groups, which have been set up in order to improve particular SEND services, processes or policies. For example, Improving transport to school for SEND families, improving the support available for children and young people with FASD, or improving the Autism diagnosis process.
These targeted meetings are called ‘work streams’ and they take place on a regular basis. The professionals that attend these meetings are the most appropriate professionals to help with the current topic being discussed. some of these may include:
- Educational psychologists (NHS)
- speech and language therapists (NHS)
- occupational therapists (NHS)
- Parents and carers of children and young people with additional needs (Expert by experience)
- SEND managers (Local Authority)
- Social workers (Local Authority)
- SENDIASS officers
- EHCP Coordinators (Local Authority)
- SEND communication and engagement officers (Local Authority)
- SEND Partnership manager (Local Authority)
In these meetings, the role of SENDAC is to ensure that we bring parent carer opinions on the particular topic, into the discussions that take place and the decisions that get made. For example in the meeting, we may be discussing the EHCP process. Lots of parents may have told SENDAC that they would like to have an ‘EHCP pack’ at the start of the process to inform them of what will happen. SENDAC Will voice those opinions in the meeting and we will decide together whether it is possible, taking into account realistic financial and capacity constraints. If the professionals disagree SENDAC will openly Challenge them on this. If the professionals agree, we will all work together to create a pack using all of our expertise to design it.
The work streams we choose to go on are based on our parent priorities which we analyse through our yearly parent carer priority survey, which is sent out to our membership as well as feedback we have received throughout the year.