SENDAC policy documents
SENDAC have many policy documents that govern the organisation. Some of the more important policies are listed here but for any further enquiries and a full list of our current policies please e-mail
This explains in detail how we operate and our main aims.
Equality & Diversity Policy
SENDAC is committed to celebrating diversity, positively promoting equality, fostering equal opportunities and tackling discrimination in all it does.
Conflict of Interest Policy
SENDAC is committed to ensuring its decisions and decision-making processes are, and are seen to be, free from personal bias and do not unfairly favour any individual connected with the organisation.
Data Protection Policy
SENDAC will fully comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and Data Protection principles
Safeguarding Policy
The aim of this policy is to provide members of the SENDAC Steering Group with clear guidance about their role and responsibilities in safeguarding children and to provide information for parents and carers about the safeguarding measures that SENDAC employs to ensure that it meets it responsibilities to promote the welfare of, and safeguard children and young people.
Confidentiality Policy
SENDAC wants to promote trust in the forum and the service we offer to parent carers.
The guiding principle is that information about a parent carer belongs to that carer and we need to have their permission to pass any of it on. We believe parent carers have a right to a service which respects their need for privacy and for control over information about themselves and their caring situation. This policy applies to all information we gather.
Volunteering Policy
SENDAC acknowledges that volunteers contribute in many ways, and that volunteering can benefit users of our services, paid staff, other volunteers and the wider community. We value the contributions made by volunteers and we are committed to involving volunteers in appropriate roles, and in ways which are supportive of the volunteers and beneficial to our organisation
Compliments and Complaints Policy
We welcome feedback on all aspects of our work. Such feedback is invaluable in helping us evaluate and improve our activity.
Social Media Policy
The difference between a personal and professional opinion can be blurred on social media, particularly if discussing issues relating to SENDAC’s work. While we encourage the use of social media, we have certain standardswhich we require everyone to observe. Publication and commentary on social media carry similar obligations to any other kind of publication or commentary in the public domain.